What's on the Menu? (Sang in Lion King melody).

I get it! You're on vacation and you can eat what you want! Should you though? The truth is that traveling is hard enough on your body as you adjust to various conditions including altitude, time zone changes and jet lag, you need to be fueling your body right to keep you living your best life!

It can be hard because you are on the go and don't always have time to preplan, so that is why we are doing the planning for you!

Disclaimer: I have no formal training in diets, these are just some of my suggestions based on my travel experience. Always follow your own dietary restrictions and listen to your body. 


Coffee - If you aren't a coffee drinker, opt for lemon water or tea.

Fruit and Yogurt - Fruit has natural sugar that will give you a boost for the day. 

Smoothie - Get a breakfast smoothie with a good amount of greens and a wellness shot. 

Croissant - This is very popular in European culture paired with coffee. 


Salad and Protein - Keep it lite with some greens and protein. You know the drill. 

Soup and Panini - I always say that when I retire I would open a bakery or a sandwich and soup shop! You can never go wrong with soup and sandwich. Opt for a half sandwich to keep your meal lite. 

Veggie Burger - Veggie burgers are a great alternative and keeps you feeling lite. I won't say no to fries, but add a side salad to keep it clean and to get your greens. If you are feeling super healthy, skip the bun or replace for lettuce cups. 


Salad - Top off the night with a large salad. If you eat fish, I would recommend a salmon salad and a gorgeous glass of white wine. 

Steak and Green Beans - Great source of protein. Greens for the win. 

Chicken, Rice and Broccoli - Can be found at a lot of restaurants and hotels. 


I highly recommend having snacks stashed in your luggage and you purse. This gives you easily accessible snacks so you don't end up binge eating. Healthy options include: almonds, granola bars, pretzels. Add these options to your packing routine. 


What is vacation without a little sweet? Fruit, dark chocolate or vegan ice cream are good healthy options to satisfy this craving. 


Drink water often, you should be drinking a lot of water throughout the day regardless, but while you are traveling you don't realized the stress your body is going though. Your body needs water to carry out binary functions. IF you are traveling outside of the country, drink bottled water so you don't risk getting sick. 

And that's it! Going on vacation or traveling for work doesn't have to throw your routine off! Now get out there and snack! :)


Author: Erica Becker, Creative Director.