Being a mom is hard. You don't get a how to guide and you are often left wondering if you are making the best choices. There are many jobs out there, but being a parent is one of the hardest and most rewarding. That's why we should let our moms know on Mother's Day and every other day just how much we appreciate everything they do. 
A mother is someone who nurtures and cares for others in a maternal way. We here at Voxn know that completely, many of us have had many women who impacted our lives in the best ways! We are truly proud of the women who have made this life possible. It takes a lot to be a mom, and at first it feels like you're learning a foreign language trying to be the best mom you can be. We always wonder how our mother's became so wise and unconditionally loving, and the answer to that is patience! 
As Mother's day draws nearer, remember to thank that special woman in your life. Without mom's this world wouldn't be the same. With Mother's day coming up don't forget to enter the Downtown Boise Association's Mother's Day Giveaway! They are giving away 1 of 5 $100 gift cards to amazing moms! Stop by Voxn and enter to win! Ballots will be picked up May 14th!
Before we hop into our Mother's Day letter here are some events to check out this upcoming Mother's Day, May 13th, 2018. Click the pink links to find out more:  
Mother's Day Brunch at Zoo Boise; 9:00 AM - 10 AM
Guests will be treated to a buffet breakfast, animal presentation, zookeeper talk, and a special gift for all mothers! Then you’ll have the rest of the day to explore your zoo. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, May 10.   
Mother's Day Potting Party; 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Bring the kids and get some fresh air planting! Kids can pot some annuals in an 8" pot and get their picture taken to make a card for Mom, all for only $8.00! It's all happening in the Legacy Garden under the gazebo. This event has event times throughout Mother's Day Weekend.  
Mother's Day Open House & Free Workout; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
FREE workout and vendor open house featuring momprenuers throughout Boise! Grab your kiddos, your stroller, and your water bottle and come ready to sweat, meet new mamas, and have a wonderful time!
Dear Moms,
We want you to know how loved and appreciated you are today as mothers'. Mother's Day is just one day of the year, but you are appreciated and loved every single day. We know is can be tough to be a mom, and no one ever said it would be easy. Remember those sweet tender moments you have with those who have impacted your life as a mother, and remember to always strive to be your best self. Those days when you feel exhausted and helpless, remember the mother's who came before you. Just as they worked for greatness for you to become the most beautiful legacy, you are also doing this same for those who you impact on a day to day basis. 
Don't forget what makes you happy. There will be days where you don't know what to do with yourself. My advice, relax. Grab your favorite book, a glass of your favorite wine, and relax for 20 minutes. Make sure you set time aside every day for 20 minutes of mom time. My mom takes her time at the end of the day when the kids are in bed, and she can relax for just 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes will bring you peace and help the worries of the day disappear. Make time for you, when your spending so much of your day nurturing others, it's okay to take time for you every day too. 
As Mother's Day draws nearer, get ready to pick your favorite place to eat with the family and friends you have. And remember, you pick! Get dressed up, buy a new outfit and don't forget to treat yourself. Let your hair down and put your heels on, every day is your day. 
With Love,
The Voxn Team